Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm Free! Lets blow something up!

Have you noticed that the 4th of July is a lot like Christmas? 
No one really knows what its really about anymore.. and no one really cares either.

I'm not trying to preach or anything cause all I REALLY want to do is make bombs from picolo-petes and shoot sky rockets at my friends. You know what I'm talking about though.. if you ask a little American, capitalistic, consumer, modern raised kid what 4th of July is all about, he'll tell you its all about the fire works. Same thing with Christmas. It's all about the presents and Santa Clause. This is just an observation though.

Oh well, It's all good..

BTW, Who saw Wall-E? That movie pretty much ruled, but it had a pretty scary undertone. I don't want to get fat and live on a hoover chair. DO YOU?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I wish I was in college..

We've (as in The Dares) been in LA all this week and on Monday we went to a ramen place for lunch. The portions were massive and it was probably the best food on earth. ..or in that area. 

If "best food on earth" doesn't do it for you on describing greatness, then just imagine if Cup'o'Noodles was an ugly little house and that weirdo from Extreme Makeover Home Edition came, tore it down, and built the Playboy Mansion where that shack used to be. This is how great this ramen was. Makes me wish I was back in my college days..

Here are some before and afters..

(I didn't even scratch the surface)

Saturday, June 21, 2008


This is my new blog. I've never done this before, but I think I'll talk about things like my band, my life, stuff, and other stuff. I'm pretty much saying that this is going to start slow and by the time I learn the blogging ropes I will have created a superlative online machine with followers from across the globe who are dedicated enough to follow my every command. 

Sound good?
Good, because I know best.
